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Image by Robert Wiedemann

At Lighthouse Ministries Christian Center,  God is the source of strength and hope in our lives. We believe the church is not a physical building, but rather, a community of believers. We are dedicated to strengthening families by empowering men through personal accountability and providing support for those in need. We strive to create a safe and encouraging environment for people of all backgrounds to learn and grow in faith.

The Mission

Serving and experiencing the light and freedom in Jesus for all.

The Vision

Lighthouse Ministries Christian Center is GOD’s spiritual declaration intertwined with faith and gratitude. It serves as a space where people from all over the world, from any background, beliefs, etc., can come without fearing judgment. It will be a beacon of light (comfort, peace, rest, fulfillment) for those with a history of uncertainty and regrets caused by feeling lost, broken, and heavy laden. These truths will bring freedom from doubt, worry, and unbelief; bringing closure to generational lies that hinder wholeness and completion, lacking nothing through JESUS. We are led by the HOLY SPIRIT to establish resources for all, and to help bring about an assurance of the promises given by GOD for HIS children locally, nationally, and globally. We will operate as a City of Refuge where GOD meets HIS children and introduces us to HIS true nature. LOVE without conditions while embracing forgiveness. A space where people can freely date JESUS and be fed mentally, spiritually, and physically.

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