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Men's Wednesday Night Zoom Call
8pm ET/7pm CT
2 hours (depending on the Holy Spirit)

Come and go as you please.

Discovering Masculinity.jpg

Men's Wednesday Night Zoom Call
8pm ET/7pm CT
2 hours (depending on the Holy Spirit)

Come and go as you please.

YOU. Are. Not. ALONE.


This is Manhood Understood

How are you not alone?


Real Relationships

Be enveloped in an atmosphere of love like never before and experience unity with brothers who do not have it all together but are growing together in one accord for the Father. It doesn't matter where your relationship is with God. Even if you're new to the idea of having a journey with God, you are welcomed with open arms. We encourage you at the end of the day to go deeper with God.


Real Accountability

We celebrate with you in your individuality. Forced conformity does not create a welcoming atmosphere. Therefore, when someone gets their chance to speak, and opens up to the group, there is a space prepared for accountability and direction, which comes from the word of God. You are also welcome to hold the leaders accountable for the features listed and if they are not being followed. We are to be set apart and led by the Spirit. 


Real Support

This isn't a space where one voice is heard and everyone else just listens. Everyone has a chance to have input on what is said and honest and loving feedback will be given in return. Real support doesn't always feel good, Because at DM, we don't tell you what you just want to hear. You are brought the Truth that stands and encourages growth in your life.


Real Confidentiality

What is said in Discovering Masculinity, stays in Discovering Masculinity, unless given the permission to share. God has called us to go deep in discussion and be vulnerable. We are to maintain an attitude of trust and provide an atmosphere of connection giving reverence to God the Father. If trust is broken, correct actions will be taken to reconnect or separate permanently.

Hear From The Men!

Kyle Levan, IL

Being a part of this group has helped me to be shaped & have my eyes more opened to truth by believers who have walked in wisdom and in truth. It has been helpful to be shaped by people that I know have been shaped and chiseled and I know that their iron is sharpening mine.

Tim Mcintire, MO

I quickly discovered there was an extraordinary atmosphere of love there. This is not a love that the world can provide; it must come from Jesus Christ. I sense His unconditional love coming from the leadership each time we come together, as well as a fervent desire to to see biblical manhood established in each one through the Holy Spirit, as we seek God together. Having dealt with a lot of loss, and resultant feelings of emptiness in more recent years, I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father for His Family, which is found in all kinds of places. He has used this meeting place to lift me up supernaturally, because that is what His Spirit does, when believers are willing to give Him free course. I have been a believer for most of my life, and was raised on the word of God, but when we open God's word together, with no agenda but to seek His face and love on one another, amazing things happen on the inside, and I know I am not alone in anything, or the same afterwards. I believe this has a lot to do with the two forms of listening we engage in: listening to God's word, and listening to one another. God has laid it on the heart of these brothers to build up the Family of God through applying faith and love to life's challenges, rather than shallow tropes or formulas. Around here, it is acknowledged that Jesus Christ is the answer, so our goal is to get closer to Him, and love each other through His divine nature. I can be honest about my personal life and failures without risk of it coming back to bite me. That may be a very rare environment in this world, but also very necessary if we are to truly going do life together. I highly recommend this ministry as a Christ-centered outlet for the ministry of God's Holy Spirit, and I pray God continues to use it help us discover who he is, and who he is empowering us to be as lights in a dark world.

Nick Greco, GA

You will love it! Whether your a believer or not. Each Wednesday zoom call always starts with a prayer, that includes inviting the Holy Spirit to reign over everything that is said. For me the Wednesday night zoom call is the way I start my week of spiritual study. The topic of “Masculinity” here, is a must for all to witness. We really need God fearing men to take advantage of Lighthouse Ministries Wednesday nights zoom call. I have attended the Wednesday night zoom call for a year now. This month of November is starting my second year of participation. I've only missed a few Wednesday nights in my first year of calling in. Charles, Ross and Jacob take turns hosting. I believe Charles is the senior host, and what a host he is!


Exceptional Quality

Solid Foundation

Different Perspectives

Opportunity to speak and to listen

God focused

Target Fiery Topics


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