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Ross Scavo

Vice President

Ross Scavo grew up in Carbon County Utah, in a little coal mining town that was a melting pot of cultures. As he looks back on his childhood, he feels very blessed.  He was surrounded by a loving Italian family that instilled many morals and values he still holds today.  He grew up as an outdoor kid, enjoying the connection in nature through sports, fishing, hunting, and camping with his older brother and dad. At the age of 15 his life came to a bit of a halt with his parents’ divorce. He didn't really know the impact this would have on his life. Ross was raised in the Catholic church where he served as an altar boy and was confirmed at thirteen.  At age 18 his dad and him moved to Macon, Georgia which was a culture shock and pushed him out of his comfort zone. 


His passion for sports began to merge with his compassion for people and the dream to venture into the arena of sports medicine was born.  Ross pursued and graduated from Valdosta State University in sports medicine and even got to taste his ultimate dream of working in the NFL as he was able to work as an intern for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  The opportunity arose for Ross to further his education towards his dream through his acceptance into the graduate program at Auburn University with the Tiger’s football team.  He began to notice how the Lord was opening doors for him and his path was seen but he wasn’t able to see what the Lord had planned next for him.  As he graduated from Auburn another door opened for his first job in south Florida, getting to work a season for the St. Louis Cardinals near his at the time fiancé.  It was in the offseason while substitute teaching to make ends meet, while living in a hotel for three months where his life journey would begin to shift.


The Lord’s loving pursuit for him found himself truly accepting Jesus into his heart and giving over his dreams to follow the Lord’s will for him.  In this process, Ross found himself deeply growing in his relationship with God while his personal relationships began to fall away.  This was when he found that he had all he needed in the Lord and always cherished that time.  Then the Lord brought Ross his wife now of 12 yrs., Stacy, who is a woman of God and major supporter in all he does.


While working at a sports medicine clinic for 8 yrs. he was also led to become a Big Brother for his little brother Nicholas.  This helped fill the void for waiting for the promise from the Lord for one day also becoming a father of his own.  While it also made an impact for how important godly male influence, especially as a father is to a child.  It was then that the Lord sent Ross to Tallahassee on faith without a job while He provided every step of the way.  It was 2 years working in a local orthopedic clinic where His paths crossed with Charles Triplett when a personal connection happened, and the goals and dreams aligned with God's plan and Lighthouse Ministries started.  His hope is people can come without concern for judgement while receiving healing through community.  His new passion is for husbands to be awakened to the power of their calling and help provide all support to help them reach their full potential to lead their families.  Ross loves to witness people’s awakening to God’s love for them and help them on their journey to receiving the full measure of healing in spirit, soul, and body. 

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