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What We Do

TruNorth is a genuinely selfless marriage ministry that is dedicated to be a light to helping couples navigate through the process of marriage and its potential challenges. We intend to provide pre-marital, wedding, and post-marital support, as well as ongoing support as needed. The services are available both in one-on-one and group settings. TruNorth does not focus on the ceremony itself, but encourages a couple to place God as the foundation.

God is the True North for all couples, and seeking His guidance is the best way to ensure a successful marriage. We invite those seeking a Godly marriage the opportunity to find biblical truths that will support the foundation of their union.


Aids to Navigation

Pre-Marital and Wedding

Post-Marital Counseling and Renewal of vows

The full Counseling and Marriage Experience.

Allowing you to come back and do post marital whenever needed!

Drop the anchor,
and allow GOD to steer you into unlimited love and potential with your significant other today!

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